Risky Restoration: A Novel by E.F. Dodd is a blustery contemporary romance filled with unforgettable moments and resonant characters. Kesler —known to friends as “Kez”— seems to live an accomplished life. She has her law practice and is surrounded by good friends. But she still can’t move on from her former relationship. When she researches online about Miller, her ex, she finds out that he is with someone else and about to get married. Yes, that fast! But the discovery of his upcoming high school reunion offers her an idea. She makes up her mind to crash the reunion in an effort to find closure with Miller. So, she travels to Rochester, New York, with her two best friends, but when she meets Jackson, who seems to have just everything she wants in a man, everything changes. Can he be the antidote to her obsession over Miller or will she continue to live in the past?
Anyone looking for a contemporary romance with a robust plot and rock-solid characters —romance that brilliantly integrates contemporary social and cultural realities —will be delighted to read Risky Restoration: A Novel. It is well-plotted and E.F. Dodd introduces a compelling premise. A woman who has loved and lost and who can’t get over her ex and who finds the opportunity to test the waters again is strong enough, but the way the premise is written is what gives it the strength that captivates readers. The characters are wonderfully written, steeped into situations where either their quirkiness or humanity comes out in cool ways. Kez is a determined woman who doesn’t seem to take no for an answer. Together with her friends, Rae and Vivian, they make a wonderful team of remarkable characters. E.F. Dodd is a great storyteller who intelligently melds humor with suspense to keep readers turning the pages while offering them elaborately written characters for company. This eminently readable and uplifting tale will keep you awake through the night.
Reviewed by Franklin Bauer
March 1, 2022
Reprinted from https://thebookcommentary.com/view-book.php?id=431&banner=no